Growing up in South-East London, Sharon-Ann attended John Stainer Primary School, Catford County Secondary School for girls, South East London College, Croydon College and finally Bromley College of Technology, where she studied for an AAT Degree in accountancy.
She began her career as an Accounts/Payroll Clerk. Over the years as Sharon-Ann became more established in her career, she mainly worked in the City and the West End of London with various positions such as Accounts Manager, Accounts Supervisor and Business Office Manager.
In 2011 she, together with her husband Danny, became joint owners of a thriving Caribbean restaurant in Brixton’s Coldharbour Lane, although this unit closed due to regentrification: a new door opened and Bickles Catering was launched.
Sharon-Ann has always had a passion for poetry and writing from an early age and particularly enjoyed writing short stories and plays; her hobbies include graphic designing and Backgammon. She is a member of Tenovus choir, a cancer-care Charity in Sutton. She works closely with one of London’s leading hospital in assisting with the training of Primary Care Nurses, by sharing her experiences, she hopes this will limit and eventually put an end to the mis-diagnosis too many of us endure. Sharon-Ann also helps out as a volunteer at her Church.
Fighter and writer
Sharon-Ann describes herself as a fighter and a writer.
After a series of devastating, heartfelt events, including the loss of her older sister, both parents and the devoted father of her children, she was unexpectedly left to battle a life-threatening cancer and a rare heart disease called Amyloidosis which inevitably changed her life. Sharon-Ann went from a fit and active working mother of three to someone she hardly recognised. This condition left her weak, frail and unable to climb a flight of stairs without gasping for breath.
Sharon-Ann continually puts her trust in God and determined not to allow her medical condition to obstruct her, or succumb to what the doctors said - she fought back!
Being laid off work and disabled by her condition, this was the catalyst which sparked her writing and while recovering at home, she wrote her first Memoir “Why Me?” where she openly and honestly bares all in this touching and life-changing event, Sharon-Ann simply puts as ‘My fight for life from heartbreak to hope.’
By combining her passion as an author, with a gift to encourage others, she hopes that by sharing her experiences in “Why Me?” she will bring hope, insight and inspiration to all who may be dealing with devastation through loss - and a typically taboo subject.
“Why Me?” was published in 2019 and has made an enormous impact on the reader, hence the great reviews.
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